May 12 & 15, 2023

A globally streamed Vue conference presented live from London, UK.


The Hidden Cost of Open Source

The Hidden Cost of Open Source

There is a cost that many companies don’t consider when using open source. It can cost a lot of money and time to keep upgrading sunsetted versions.

A Saga of Web Rendering Woes

A Saga of Web Rendering Woes

This talk will look at the evolution of web rendering modes and what the Jamstack movement is all about. We will build a demo project to show how a static site generator and a Headless CMS can be combined to create dynamic and engaging stories while maintaining a static site's performance and scalability benefits. You will learn about the advantages and limitations of each rendering mode and gain a deeper understanding of how to use Jamstack to build powerful and dynamic storytelling experiences.

The Vue-niverse of SEO: Uncovering the Secrets

The Vue-niverse of SEO: Uncovering the Secrets

This talk discusses the impact of JavaScript on SEO, particularly for single-page applications (SPAs). When Google crawls and indexes an SPA, there are limitations such as no interactions, no scrolling, and no data persistence. Additionally, SPA URLs must be actual URLs and not just fragments. The talk also covers on-page and technical SEO, including the importance of HTTPS, mobile friendliness, and descriptive URLs. The use of Nuxt.js and its SEO kit is recommended for easier implementation of SEO best practices.

TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components

TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components

Meet TresJS ▲ ■ ●, a declarative way of bringing the magic of ThreeJS using everyday Vue Components and composables. Think of it as React-three-fiber or Lunchbox but without the need of a custom renderer. It just works. Are you ready to add a new dimension to your Vue Apps?

Building for the Edge - Crafting a Next-Gen Framework

Building for the Edge - Crafting a Next-Gen Framework

Creating a new Vue-based meta-framework from scratch with live coding.

Stop Writing Your Routes

Stop Writing Your Routes

The more you keep working on an application, the more complicated its routing becomes, and the easier it is to make a mistake. "Was the route named users or was it user?", "Did it have an id param or was it userId?". If only TypeScript could tell you what are the possible names and params. If only you didn't have to write a single route anymore and let a plugin do it for you. In this talk we will go through what it took to bring automatically typed routes for Vue Router.

You’re Probably Using Lighthouse Wrong: How We Got Tricked by a Single Magic Number

You’re Probably Using Lighthouse Wrong: How We Got Tricked by a Single Magic Number

These days web performance is one of the most important things everyone wants to optimize on their apps, and it's clear to everyone how dramatic the impact of a poorly optimized website is on business. Yet we as an industry completely fail in recognizing its complexity and widely misuse the most common tool to measure it — Google Lighthouse. If you’re one of those people thinking that good performance equals a good Lighthouse score, you’ve also fallen into this trap and this talk is for you.

Image Optimization - Quick Win for Improving Performance in Vue & Nuxt Apps

Image Optimization - Quick Win for Improving Performance in Vue & Nuxt Apps

Improving Performance of Vue or Nuxt apps is not an easy task. However, there are some quick wins that you can implement easily that will drastically improve the performance of your website. One of such quick win is Image Optimization. In this talk, I will teach you how to optimize images on the fly with Digital Asset Managements services like Cloudinary or Content Management Systems, utilize the concept of Lazy Loading, use compressed format of images like WEBP, and many more!

Building Backwards Compatible Vue Libraries

Building Backwards Compatible Vue Libraries

Many organizations with component libraries are working on upgrades for their Vue 2 apps so that they can support Vue 3. Sometimes it's not easy! Ideally, you could write your code once and cross-compile it for different Vue runtimes. In this talk, we'll do exactly that. At the end, you'll have a recipe for shipping libraries that support both Vue 2 and Vue 3.

Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source

Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source

Nuxt modules are the de-facto way of extending our Nuxt applications with new behaviors and functionalities. Have you ever built your own? Why would you bother with hundreds of modules already out there? Let's answer those questions together and see why making your own modules in Nuxt 3 can both help you have a deeper understanding of how Nuxt works while also paving the way for you to get into open source!

Building the Vue 3 VDOM on Stage

Building the Vue 3 VDOM on Stage

This talk is designed to show people what a virtual DOM is, and what it is used for. We'll see a bit the theory of it, then build a simplified version of the Vue 3 VDOM on stage from scratch - step by step! After the talk, people will have more familiarity with the black box that sometimes is "VDOM".

Writing Good Tests for Vue Applications (e2e vs. Component Tests, Features of a *Good* Test)

Writing Good Tests for Vue Applications (e2e vs. Component Tests, Features of a *Good* Test)

With my talk, I want to walk through 1) how to come up with a solid testing strategy (tools and practices) and 2) work on a real-world example of how we combine E2E testing with component testing. I want to highlight some general principles from testing theory and then go into the practical application—live coding in a TDD manner.

Component Design Patterns

Component Design Patterns

How do you write a good component? In this talk we’ll explore several different patterns for writing better components. We’ll look at techniques for simplifying our components, making them easier to understand, and getting more out of the components we’ve already got.

Alive and Kicking - A Vue Into Rock & Roll

Alive and Kicking - A Vue Into Rock & Roll

Rock & roll is alive and kicking and in this talk I will showcase that Vue is so versatile it can be used to do audio visualisations while rock guitar soars through the browser. The audience will have access to a vue application which allows them to vote for a song to be played live on stage. The screen shows all the votes and I play them as they come up. While playing music meta data is shown and an audio visualisation plays while I’m rocking on stage. The more votes a song gets, the higher it shows on the list and the more chance I’ll play it. The whole experience is created using Vue and Uniform. Next to waking the audience up with some spicy rock & roll, I will explain how the software was build and why Vue is such an important technology for composable architectures with multiple channels. Vue is also used to control the guitar sound, right from the browser.